This is the time of year that the cold and flu season is right under way. Experiencing these sicknesses can make the holidays feel absolutely miserable. In fact, when you have an office full of employees, the last thing you want to happen is for the sickness to pass throughout the office. Baker Sandoval Cleaning is here to share some tips to help you keep the flu from spreading through your home like wildfire.
Touch Point Cleaning
Cold and flu season can be brutal mostly because of the ease at which these sicknesses spread. If you aren’t careful, it won’t be long before every single person in your office has had it. This is why it is so important that you clean the high contact points in your office. These areas will include but are not limited to the following:
– Door knobs
– Light switches
– Faucet & toilet handles
– Refrigerator handles
– Remote controls
– Computer keyboards
– Stair rails
– & More
How Disinfectant Works to Stop the Spread of Germs
Disinfectant is only going to be useful in stopping the spread of germs when you have a good understanding of how it works and how you should be using it. To have disinfectant work well, there is more to it than simply spraying a surface and then wiping it off afterwards. Here is what you need to do to appropriately disinfect an area:
– Clean the surface first with a wet, clean cloth and some general cleaner.
– Read the label on your disinfectant and allow the disinfectant to sit on the surface after cleaning it for the recommended amount of time.
– Wipe away any residue left behind by the disinfectant.
One thing that is often overlooked when it comes to disinfecting your office is the fact that your cleaning supplies need to be cleaned as well if you are counting on them to offer you the ability to clean. You should be soaking your microfiber cloths in soapy water for a few minutes after using them to ensure they aren’t working against you as they clean surfaces.
Clean Shared Items in Office
There are some areas in an office space that are shared. Your break rooms, restrooms, on site gyms and other areas in the building can be a breeding ground for germs. Any towels, couches, dishes and or other shared items should be cleaned regularly during the cold and flu season to avoid spreading unwanted germs throughout the office and employees. Make sure there are plenty of tissues around to catch any coughing or sneezing that may be happening while at work.
Residential & Commercial Cleaning & More in Longmont, Brighton, Dacono, Erie, Lafayette, Louisville, Superior, Eldorado Springs, Fort Lupton, Hygiene & Boulder Colorado
At Baker Sandoval Cleaning, we offer both residential and commercial cleaning services to assist our customers in keeping the cold and flu away as much as possible this winter. Call us today!