Things can often get messy as you are working at your desk throughout the day. When you touch shared spaces without sanitizing your hands, you can easily share illnesses. In addition to being a visual mess, you can expect the microscopic issues as well. You will be impacted by your desk, keyboard, phone, and everything else that sits on your desk. Since COVID, more people have become aware of the high-touch places and the value of disinfecting your workspace on a regular basis. However, there are spots frequently missed by a novice cleaner and often it can be hard to know how to clean electronics and other devices efficiently and safely. When you have a professional taking care of the cleaning, these spots are usually addressed. If you do not take advantage of professional commercial cleaning or janitorial services, it is important to implement the areas that are commonly overlooked that we at Baker Sandoval Cleaning would like to share today.
Clean Computer Parts & Devices
There is a high chance that you haven not cleaned the computer recently, no matter if you use a laptop or a computer with a keyboard. According to recent studies, this is far more common than you may think. Unless there is a spill, most people never clean their keyboards and mouse, and the only time a monitor is cleaned is when there are obvious smudges obstructing the view. Since most people do not know how to properly clean electronics, they often choose not to. Usually, it is out of fear of causing any kind of damage to business property.
Cleaning electronics can be quite simple with just a few minutes and supplies. Begin by cutting power and unplugging your keyboard or turn off your laptop. Tip it over and gently shake any loose debris and crumbs from the keyboard. Finish up by using a soft cloth with the disinfectant cleaner to wipe the computer keys gently. You can clean individual buttons using a Q-tip with the disinfectant cleaner if you prefer a more thorough job.
How Do You Clean a Fabric, Leather, Metal or Heavy Duty Plastic Office Chair?
It is critical to find a label on your chair that describes the material it is made from, first and foremost. Instructions on the best ways to clean it should be found on the label. If the tag is missing, you can do an internet search to find the method of cleaning you need for your specific chair. Generally, they can easily be wiped down with a cloth since most office chairs are made out of synthetic material. You can use water to wipe away stuck-on debris gently, otherwise, just use diluted rubbing alcohol and a microfiber cloth to wipe it down at the end of each day. Gently use a leather conditioner to restore it to excellent condition if your chair is leather. To ensure it is done properly, you can enlist a professional to clean your business.
Commercial Cleaning & Janitorial Services in Longmont, Brighton, Dacono, Erie, Lafayette, Louisville, Superior, Eldorado Springs, Fort Lupton, Hygiene & Boulder Colorado
When it comes to commercial cleaning and janitorial services in Boulder, CO and surrounding areas, you can trust in the expertise and dedication of Baker Sandoval Cleaning. Call us today to discuss your cleaning needs.