When you are running a business you have to continually know what to do to keep your business profitable. You want to make sure you have up to date services and products. You also want to make sure you know what it takes to keep your employees happy. Having a good staff working for you is a great way to ensure you are ready to give your customers good service. You want to also know the best way to keep your office clean and presentable. This means you need to have the space cleaned properly and the best way to do that is to ensure that hire a commercial cleaning service. The service is a great way to know that you have your office cleaned professionally and by a team that has the expertise to do the job right. There are many benefits to hiring a commercial cleaning service but it is a good idea to know what you should ask them before you hire. Baker Sandoval Cleaning outlines what you want to ask your cleaning service when you are ready to hire them.
What Commercial Cleaning Services Do You Offer?
Every office has its own layout and depending on the work that is done there it may have things that need to be done that are specific. That is why the first thing you want to talk to the cleaning company about is what services they offer. You want to make sure you ask about cleaning the floors, shelves, breakroom, bathrooms and taking out the trash. You may also want to ensure they clean the windows on the door so the entrance is clean and clear. You also want to talk to them about any sanitizing areas of the office as well. This is ensure you are keeping germs as well as bacteria at bay. This is to keep your employees safe as well as your customers. The services they offer may be what helps you decide if they are the right fit for you.
What is Your Cleaning Schedule & Rates?
You also want to talk to your cleaning company about what their rates are so that you can make sure that it works with your bottom line. You also want to talk with them about the schedule that they have for cleaning. You want to choose a day or days that work for you as well as the best time to have your cleaning crew coming to your location. Some don’t mind the cleaning done in the day when the office is open and others want to keep the cleaning done during closing time. You need to be sure that the schedule they have works for you.
Do You Train Your Employees?
You want to make sure that the team they dispatch to your office to do cleaning has been properly trained. It is important they have the expertise to do the job right. You want to ask about the training that takes place to ensure they have the know how to clean the space.
Janitorial Cleaning Services in Longmont, Brighton, Dacono, Erie, Lafayette, Louisville, Superior, Eldorado Springs, Fort Lupton, Hygiene & Boulder Colorado
Baker Sandoval Cleaning can come to your home to ensure that your office has been cleaned professionally. Call us today!