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Commercial Cleaning to Get Rid of Bacteria, Germs & Viruses in Westminster, CO; Disinfect, Sanitize & More

If you have gotten on your social media news feed or you have turned on local or national news you have likely heard of a new and fast spreading virus known as coronavirus. This is a virus that has been around but has not had a widespread reach as it does at this point. The virus started to take its toll in China and has had a major chain reaction on the everyday living of the country. Our leaders have started to realize that a quarantine on the people that have tested positive is a great way to stop the spread to other people that are healthy. The problem is that the virus has already spread to other areas of the world and is coming up now in the United States. There are now hundreds of tested cases in the US and that is why you need to be sure that you know what to look for and what you can do to keep your life moving forward. One area of concern happens to be in the work place. Businesses still need to operate and that means that people will convene in these areas. As the owner or manager of the business it is your responsibility to ensure that your office is kept clean and sanitized to keep your employees and customers safe. Baker Sandoval Cleaning outlines what you can do to minimize the spread of bacteria, germs and viruses such as coronavirus.

Disinfect or Sanitize Office

One of the things that you want to be aware of is that there is an incubation period that takes place for the coronavirus and other viruses as well. The problem is that it can take three to five days before any symptoms appear. That means you could have people in your office working or doing business and be contagious. That is why during this time of concern you want to keep up on office cleaning and disinfecting. The surfaces can be holding the virus and when you touch it and then touch your face you could be spreading the virus. That is why it is important to make sure that you have your janitors clean regularly and take extra care in sanitizing the surfaces in your home. You want to make sure that you continue the process on a daily basis.

Good Hygiene Advice

You want to make sure you talk to your employees about the best way to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Ensure you have hand sanitizer out and available to your employees and other patrons. You also need to teach them how to properly wash their hands regularly and you also want to instruct them to avoid touching their face. You can also ensure you reiterate to employees often that if they aren’t feeling well, or someone in their household is showing symptoms; they stay home.

Increase Humidity in House

One of the things that experts are saying is that adding some level of humidity to your office is a great way to prevent the virus from living on surfaces. You can purchase humidifiers for your office to help keep the air cool and moist which is a great option.

Commercial Cleaning in Longmont, Brighton, Dacono, Erie, Lafayette, Louisville, Superior, Eldorado Springs, Fort Lupton, Hygiene & Bolder Colorado

Baker Sandoval Cleaning can come to your office and conduct a deep cleaning to aid in the prevention of coronavirus. Call us today!

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