An office needs a quality cleaning service to combat germs and viruses and ensure a well-organized office. When the office cleaning isn’t up to par, you may be looking for a new cleaning service. You may have in-house cleaning and decide you want professional quality cleaning. When looking for a commercial cleaning service for an office you may have a few questions. Baker Sandoval Cleaning would like to share some of the most frequently asked questions about commercial office cleaning and their answers.
How Often Do You Clean an Office?
You can schedule a commercial cleaning service to come as often as you like. For an office to determine how often the building should be clean will vary on the number of people working in the building. Larger offices have more dirt that is brought into the building. Smaller office traffic helps the office stay just a bit cleaner. Depending on the size of the building and the nature of the office you have, you may want to schedule every other day or once a week. However, as the ever persisting threat of COVID-19 and their variants, a daily cleaning and sanitizing is often needed to keep the spread of viruses to a minimum.
What is Included in Office Cleaning?
The entire building will be cleaned. From the light fixtures down to the floors. All of it is cleaned. Cleaning will involve dusting, wiping down surfaces with disinfectants, and cleaning the floors. The entire office building will be cleaned from office spaces or rooms to the bathroom, rec-rooms, halls and more. You can ensure the office building will be properly cleaned. An office cleaning service will not organize office desks or file documents. If the desks are to be cleaned and sanitized, make sure to always have the office desk cleaned off to ensure the cleaning crew can clean the desk’s surface. As each office will vary in cleaning needs, you can go over them with the cleaning service and they will be sure to hit those desired areas. A cleaning service is flexible and will help ensure you have a clean office building.
When is the Best Time to Clean an Office?
The best time to schedule a cleaning service to come to the office will vary. Most office building managers will prefer to give the cleaning service plenty of space and will schedule the cleaning to occur when no one is at the office. You can schedule your office cleaning after office hours or early in the morning. However, one of the major considerations to determine when the service comes to clean the office, is how long it takes to perform a proper cleaning. Depending on the size of the office it can take hours to clean the office. It is important to consider the amount of time it takes to clean the office. Make sure to allow the cleaning service the needed time to complete the cleaning. This may involve the cleaning service being there during office hours.
Commercial Cleaning & Janitorial Services in Longmont, Brighton, Dacono, Erie, Lafayette, Louisville, Superior, Eldorado Springs, Fort Lupton, Hygiene & Boulder Colorado
These are but a few of the most frequently asked questions when it comes to office cleaning. If you have more questions or are looking for a quality cleaning service, contact Baker Sandoval Cleaning today.