Both janitorial and commercial cleaning services offer premium cleaning services for any commercial or public setting. When you have a professionally trained cleaning service, you get a lot of different benefits which are more than just a clean building. One of these benefits is less pests. Pests are drawn to dirty areas that provide food, water and shelter. The everyday cleaning and care a commercial or janitorial cleaning service provides helps to keep pests away. Baker Sandoval Cleaning will share the different ways a professional cleaning service help keeps pests away. A professional cleaning service tends to a lot of different elements in a commercial building. They ensure the entire building is clean and healthy. Along with basic cleaning they offer other services such as carpet cleaning and hard floor cleaning, polishing and sealing. But it is not always the major cleaning that has the greater impact. Often it is the smaller day to day cleaning and maintenance that keeps the building clean and pest free. Let’s talk about the small things that often have the biggest impacts.
Clean Garbage Bins
It doesn’t matter what type of commercial building or business you have, you will have trash. Trash builds up very quickly in a commercial building. Trash from food and wrappings is a particularly major problem because they draw in pests. Pests are constantly looking for a food source. Trash and discarded food, even the crumbs, is enough to signal to pests that there is food nearby. Trash not only provides a food source but is also gives shelter. In a commercial setting and to help reduce pest activity, you simply need to have the trash and garbage emptied at least once day if not more. By keep the building a trash free environment, you can better prevent pests.
Cleaning Spills & Messes Right Away
In an office, in a restaurant or anything in between, food and drinks will always spill at some point. When food or sugary drinks spill, pests will come. Whether you get ants, cockroaches or mice, pests will be drawn to spilled food and drinks. Even though some people will clean up most of the mess they made, many will simply act like food didn’t just spill all over the floor. This is where your professional cleaning service can be essential. A professional cleaning service can go and clean up the mess and do it properly. If food spills in the carpet, the carpet will be cleaned thoroughly to ensure their isn’t any remnants left behind. With proper cleaning of the food and drink spills, you can better prevent pests and maintain a cleaner environment.
Moisture Control
A professional cleaning service and particularly a janitorial service, will not only help keep the building clean but often they’ll tend to smaller repairs and basic maintenance. A janitorial service helps to monitor for a number of different things such as plumbing leaks. Leaky plumbing is often accompanied by pests. Certain pests are drawn to wet and damp places, like cockroaches. With proper maintenance of the plumbing system you can be free a many different kinds of pests.
Commercial Cleaning & Janitorial Services in Longmont, Brighton, Dacono, Erie, Lafayette, Louisville, Superior, Eldorado Springs, Fort Lupton, Hygiene & Boulder Colorado
With a professional cleaning service you will have quality cleaning but also so much more. A cleaning service is often a key component in preventing pests. For commercial and janitorial cleaning services, contact Baker Sandoval Cleaning today.