The time it takes to clean your house and keeping it that way can be overwhelming. Most people spend time each day doing some of the cleaning in their home. The problem is that once you clean one area another is screaming for attention. If you have pets or small children it is even more important that you keep the house clean because of the amount of germs and bacteria that can be living on the surfaces of your home.
Baker Sandoval Cleaning has a list of places around your home that need more intensive cleaning because of the amount of germs found there.
The Dreaded Dish Sponge: This is one tool of the kitchen that no one really wants to touch and probably for a good reason. This is the top spot for the most germ filled contenders in your home. The sponge is usually left with some amount of moisture in it almost all the time. It is also used to wash away all the extra food that is left on the dishes in your sink. This is what will cause the sponge to get germs and bacteria built up. The mixture of the moisture and the food particles makes it a perfect breeding ground. It is best to change out your sponge often to ensure that you are not washing your dishes with a sponge that will leave them dirtier.
Grimy Toothbrush Holders: That is right! The spot that you carefully place your toothbrush to keep it off the surface of your counter is the second highest item on our germ list. The problem is that the toothbrush holder usually has a bowl shape at the bottom and will hold the water that drips off the toothbrush along with the particles from brushing your teeth. The water that is accumulating can be an area that mold and mildew can grow as long as bacteria.
Moldy Pet Water & Food Bowls: This is a common one because most people don’t wash the dog bowl each time they feed like they do for themselves. They just keep adding water and food to the bowl each day and never pick it up to clean. The bowl can slide around the floor and spread the germs around if you have a little one that crawls through it. Then they can put their hands in their mouth and get sick from the bacteria that could grow. The water dish also has the chance that it will start to grow mold that can be harmful even to the pet.