Cross contamination is a major problem in any commercial or public building. However, healthcare facilities suffer a much greater threat of cross contamination than any other building. Many people come to a healthcare facility for care while they are sick, and in so doing, bring viruses and germs into the facility. A healthcare facility needs to take extreme precautions and follow strict protocols to prevent getting sick and other patients from catching viruses and germs. Baker Sandoval Cleaning would like to share a few tips on how to prevent cross contamination in a healthcare facility.
What is Cross Contamination?
When defining cross contamination, it is the transfer of a harmful microorganism, such as viruses, germs or bacteria. A person that is infected with a germ, virus, or bacterial infection will spread the microorganism either through bodily fluid or contaminating surfaces where then another person will be exposed to the microorganism. Once exposed to the microorganism, they will then invade the person and essentially infecting them. Once this happens, cross contamination was completed.
What are Ways to Prevent Cross Contamination?
It is important for a healthcare facility to take every step possible to prevent cross contamination. Here are a few tips or considerations that can help prevent cross contamination.
Infection Control Policy – It is important for a health care facility to have an infection control policy to reduce the possibility of cross contamination. An infected patient should be isolated from the other patients. Patients shouldn’t share a room while receiving care. Once the patient leaves the health care facility, the room the patient was in will need to be thoroughly sanitized before a new patient is brought in.
Educate Patients & Staff on Infection Control – Not all of the staff members will be nurses and doctors. A number of the staff will not have the proper education on how to control infection or prevent cross contamination. Make sure that all staff members in the health care facility receive training and education about infection control. There are many companies that can provide proper education or hold training yourself. You can find infection control protocols through the CDC.
Proper Cleaning Practices – A health care facility will need a full medical staff to tend to the patients. However, the health care facility will also need a full time cleaning service to ensure the facility is cleaned. When cleaning a health care facility the focus is on killing germs, viruses and other microorganisms that may be on the various surfaces inside the facility. Most health care facilities should have the means for disinfecting the air such as fogging sanitizing machines. By disinfecting the surface areas and the air this will greatly help prevent cross contamination. A cleaning service can be scheduled to come to the health care facility or any other medical facility on a routine bases. With routine cleaning the health care facility will always be kept clean and free of contaminates. It is important that throughout the day the surfaces in the facility are wiped down, and a thorough cleaning occurs once a day.
Commercial Cleaning & Janitorial Services in Longmont, Brighton, Dacono, Erie, Lafayette, Louisville, Superior, Eldorado Springs, Fort Lupton, Hygiene & Boulder Colorado
Healthcare or other medical facilities that need professional cleaning by those who have a proper education on contamination prevention cleaning, contact Baker Sandoval Cleaning today.