When a private business finds they need a professional cleaning service it is natural to want a quality cleaning service with reasonable prices. Many businesses will settle for the cheapest service they can find without doing their homework. Some businesses have made many mistakes in the past such as hiring an unlicensed cleaning service, or have not understood the service contracts they signed. To avoid running into the common problem of hiring the wrong cleaning service, Baker Sandoval Cleaning will share some of the most common mistakes and what to do to avoid them when hiring a professional cleaning service.
Not Asking for References
Often business owners won’t look or ask around for cleaning service references. They will often base their decision on websites and their list of provided services. However, not seeking out references is a major mistake. You will want to seek out a company’s reviews and see how well their services are rated. You may want to speak with other business owners that may have their own cleaning service and ask how they like their services. Or you can begin checking out the internet and seeing what other people have to say about the quality of services.
Factoring Only Cost is a Mistake
Too many businesses focus on how much they will have to pay for a cleaning service. While it is important for any business to thrive and keep within budget for the cost of cleaning services, don’t settle on the cheapest cleaning service you can find. Cleaning services can vary in price. There are some that provide specialty cleaning services while other cleaning services only do what many consider to be surface cleaning. When seeking out a cleaning service, see what services each cleaning business is able to provide and begin weighing out the quality and number of cleaning services as to the cost.
Don’t Hire a Cleaning Service with No Licensing, Certification or Insurance
If you hire a cleaning service that is not insured, licensed or certified, you may be walking into a scam or risking liability. If you hire a cleaning service with no insurance you may be held responsible if a cleaning service crew member gets injured while working on your property. You can be looking at a law suit. If the cleaning service doesn’t have all proper licensing or certifications they are most likely working illegitimately and you may even fine yourself scammed. When seeking a professional cleaning service make sure to ask for licensing, certification, and proof they have insurance.
Not Reading the Cleaning Services Contract
Cleaning services provide a number of different types of cleaning. Some are considered specialties such as carpet cleaning, tile polishing etc. Depending on your business you may require different needs from your cleaning service. When hiring a cleaning service see if they provide a flexible service and one that has your cleaning needs outlined in the cleaning contract.
Commercial Janitorial Office Cleaning & More in Longmont, Brighton, Dacono, Erie, Lafayette, Louisville, Superior, Eldorado Springs, Fort Lupton, Hygiene & Boulder Colorado
Hiring a cleaning service can be a lot of work. Seek out a quality service. Once you have the perfect service you can rest easy and know that you business is properly cleaned and the building is maintained. When looking for a professional commercial cleaning or janitorial cleaning service, contact Baker Sandoval Cleaning today.