The summer is coming and the last day of school tends to be a celebration. The teachers are excited to have some time off and the kids are even more overjoyed. The school is closed and the use of the building just about stops. The problem is that the space has been used for months and months and the cleaning that is being done is usually not top notch. The space needs to be prepared for the next school year and it is good idea to have a clean and sanitary place for the kids to start. You can give the kids as well as the teachers and staff a nice neat start to a fresh school year. The summer months are a great time to have the school deep cleaned. Baker Sandoval Cleaning outlines what should go into cleaning the school during the summer months.
VCT Stripping & Waxing & Other Floor Cleaning
When the school has let out for the summer the building is now empty. The children have been all over the place and that means there are lots of messes to clean. One area of the school that needs some major attention is the flooring. The floors have been walked on all year long and that many people going across any surface can be damaging. Many of the floors in schools are made from vinyl composite floors. They are a great flooring option but they will have to be cleaned and waxed. This is the best way to remove the stains and the other messes that are on them. Sometimes they need to be stripped down to the original flooring and waxed again. It is a good idea to have the floors cleaned by a professional.
Cleaning Windows, Doors & Counters
The entire school has been used and touched by the kids and other staff. That means that all the germs, bacteria and illness that they carry can still be on the surfaces. These surfaces need to be cleaned and sanitized to get it ready for the next school year. A professional cleaner can come out and clean the windows, doors and counters that people have been touching all year long. There are some germs and bacteria that can live on surfaces for some time and cause the next year to get sick.
Gym & Bleacher Cleaning
Many schools have a gym or auditorium that they will use for school activities and sports such as basketball and assemblies. The area is packed full of all the students that are sitting side by side and that leads to the same amount of germs as well as messes that kids tend to leave behind. There bleachers and the gym floor and equipment need to be cleaned and cared for. A professional can come out and make sure that the gym is ready for a winning season.
Importance of Clean Toilets & School Restrooms
The school is full of bathrooms and when there is passing time between periods you can find them full of students. They of course are in need of some deep cleaning after the school year has come to an end. The best thing that you can do is to have them cleaned well at the end of the school year and ready to go. Clean bathrooms are important to everyone.
Commercial Cleaning Services n Longmont, Brighton, Dacono, Erie, Lafayette, Louisville, Superior, Eldorado Springs, Fort Lupton, Hygiene & Boulder Colorado
Baker Sandoval Cleaning can come out to your school or commercial space to get it cleaned properly. Call us today!